Muhammad Faisal Abdul Aziz
LETTER | Call for logging moratorium to tackle climate change
LETTER | People-centred leadership can help tackle health, economic crisis
LETTER | Constitutional crisis and parliamentary democracy
LETTER | Include environmental-friendly criteria in halal certification
LETTER | Be serious in handling climate change
LETTER | Stop undignified politics
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Introduce transparent platform to facilitate aid to frontliners
Supervised visit to Xinjiang will not solve issue
Majlis Penasihat Pendidikan gagal tunjukkan kepelbagaian
Freedom of religion by religion for religion
National Day, history and the role of micro-powers
Are we on the right track in redefining youth?
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Five questions on TPPA for Malaysian MPs
Whistleblowers unprotected under WPA?
Political Islam and post-Islamism era
A nation of 'intruders'? Or a plural society?